Comments on: 10 Ways I Save Money EVERY Month Church Logos, Church Branding Company, Church Rebranding, Branding for Churches Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:42:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark MacDonald Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:42:16 +0000 It must be hard to budget for a whole month at once! Or the last week of the month is VERY slim pickings!

Congratulations on the NO CREDIT CARD use! The world would be a better place without them — and to think the first card was the Diner’s Club card in the 1950’s — then the 1970’s introduced the “other” cards with the magnetic stripe on the back. 40 years later, the world is addicted to them.

By: Tammy Tue, 17 Mar 2009 02:12:54 +0000 I create a “big” shopping with a budget in mind at the beginning of every month (I get paid once a month) and that covers everything we should need for the month. (food, toiletry, diapers, cleaning supplies, etc) We then have a set amount for going out, grocery, lunch every week. Some weeks are better than others.. but without a goal you have nothing to aim for.
Also.. if there is something we want to do.. we have to trade. Example… I really wanted to take a certain scrap-booking class… but I had to give up something else.. so I decided to color my hair at home for a few months to save the money to take the class….
It is all a mind set….
and almost 8 mo later of no credit card use….. it can be done!!!
