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Pastor, STOP building and maintaining a church website that few ever go to. 

Discover tips and tricks to creating a website so Google becomes your biggest evangelist!

Finally, your church website will be loved and used. With content that they're looking for.

Introducing our new SEO product:

3 Website Content Coaching Sessions:

Website Assessment, Sitemap Organization,

5-Step Keyword/SEO Coaching, QnAs, and more

Used by 1000s of Pastors and Churches

Our clients love discovering their branding thread, being coached to an effective communication strategy, and letting us write or speak about practical church communication. Like SEO and website effectiveness. Join them!

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So many love how we teach. We have a heart of a teacher. No question is off-limits!

Let Google be your biggest evangelist

Most influential Church Branding Co

We work all over North America!

"I would love to work with your church to make much of Jesus! Your digital hub, with the church website in the center, is a critically important tool.

But it's complicated and often not done properly, rarely visited, and ultimately broken. You've put it off long enough. Let's fix your website correctly!"

Mark MacDonald
Founder, Branding Strategist

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