Comments on: Where the heck are your Customers looking? Church Logos, Church Branding Company, Church Rebranding, Branding for Churches Tue, 02 Dec 2008 13:23:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark MacDonald Tue, 02 Dec 2008 13:23:23 +0000 It’s kinda sad, but very few people ever get to the ads on the right. And it’s all because we’ve gotten used to seeing ads there!

It’s like the commercial breaks in TV shows. Advertisers know that people use this time to go to the bathroom or the kitchen — so it’s important to have product placement IN the shows (similar to the way businesses can have PR or products mentioned in the content) — and the ads that continue to run in the “regular” (on TV or on the web)? They need to be ads that attract, do something different, or speak directly to the audience.

Should a company pull all their ads from these spots? No. 20-30% of the people who come to that page, will view that area. And if the message is right and the ad attracts them, you’ll get a hit! And, it’s also the only location that most popular websites offer!

Anyone else want to input?

By: Tobey Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:30:07 +0000 Hey Mark,

Why is it that most websites put the advertising on the right hand side? Do they want the advertising to be the last thing that customers look at? As the advertiser I sure don’t want to hear that….I am spending money for that spot.
