5 Ways to Ignite Engagement
This week brings fresh opportunities to engage your congregation and community more effectively. People are looking for connection, meaning, and
I’m a goal-oriented person (who loves accomplishing dreams). I’m also a creative (who has a tendency to procrastinate). I’m also a passionate communicator who loves the church. I’m also often conflicted (I feel constant tension about “getting it all done” and “I need more time to get it right”).
I often get bogged down with HUGE jobs that are required to effectively communicate in the church. I try to practice a “worst first” task management system for getting out of those productivity pressures.
What about those times you only have a little bit of time and you want to improve something by cranking out a quick task? We all have those moments when you wonder what you can do quickly.
10 minute segments “appear” regularly in our days (in between larger projects or right before a break). Here are 10 small tasks that will create momentum as a church communicator or pastor:
This week brings fresh opportunities to engage your congregation and community more effectively. People are looking for connection, meaning, and
When a church completes a branding or rebranding process, applying a brand consistently across all critical areas ensures it resonates
Churches have discovered the power of digital marketing. Many ask, “How do we grow our church ministries online authentically and
Discover your thread®. Be Known for Something® relevant and needed. Pastor, control your church brand and be heard again.
– Discover Your Audience
– Build Your Brand
– Communicate & Be Heard
Communicate so your congregation & community pays attention to your website, social media, & email!
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