Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your Questions

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Your one-stop page to discover answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Church Branding. Click on questions to get answers and links to pages and downloads. Be Known for Something® church branding company helps you be known for something relevant and needed! Discover your thread along with answers to church communication issues. With 20+ years of helping churches, we have answers!

We also have video answers to the top frequently asked questions.

church branding

What is Church Branding?

Branding is consistently controlling what you’re known for (thread) and associating visual controls (logo system, fonts, colors, designs) so you’re recognized and chosen for meeting your needs. It allows congregation (internal audience) and community (external reach) to engage with your ministries because you’re known for something they find relevant and needed.

Done properly through our system, it provides the language for why your congregation attends so they can communicate it for word-of-mouth promotion. Since the thread (what you’re known for) quickly connects to the Gospel, your church branding is a foundation for evangelism and discipleshipDiscover your thread!

Is there a difference between a Brand and a Rebrand?

Branding (controlled messaging and visuals to be known for something relevant and needed) often refers to the initial attempt to be known for something. However, even an existing church (not controlling a brand thread or logo), is known for something that’s out of your control (decided separately/differently).

Your perception (brand) should be identified so it unifies what your congregation (internal) and community (external) believe. That’s why many call our system a rebrand (redoing/improving your brand).

Rebranding also refers to a redesign process when a church doesn’t like its current brand (logo system, tagline, etc.). Every brand/rebrand in our process starts with understanding audiences (demographics) in order to develop communication personas with their needs, concerns, and goals. Then a thread becomes an outward-facing tagline (where vision, missions, and values are internally focused) that engages as a benefit — the thread IS your brand. A visual brand (logo system, colors, fonts) is then associated with your thread.

Is Church Branding scriptural?

Our team strives to maintain scriptural integrity in our work. Jesus told His followers they’d be known for Love (John 13:35). That’s a controlled brand message for the Church. Being known FOR something is critical (and must be received as love). Sadly, when the world is asked about the church’s perception they answer what we’re against. We need to understand needs and offer solutions. Controlling that positive perception that Jesus referred to is Church Branding.

We’ll never suggest watering Biblical messages down. We want the local church to reconnect with its community (external reach area) by revitalizing its reputation (perception). Let’s work together so the Church is known FOR something relevant and needed (thread).

Discovering a thread unites ministries, calms messaging, and engages people who need Christ. We believe church branding is effective evangelism. Reaching the community, saying less so they listen more, and using that engagement to talk about Jesus. Much like Jesus did when the women approached Him at the well (John 4). He engaged with her about Water (her immediate need) and then connected to the eternal (John 4:14c “water springing up… for eternal life”).

Churches are also known for things that sound “churchy”. A third to half of a community will ignore ministry messaging because they don’t want to listen to a church. Instead, we need to be “wise like serpents” (Matt 10:16) to engage immediate needs to share the Gospel. Why discover your thread? To evangelize biblically (Matt 28:19).

What is a “thread”?

Every church must discover its threadTHE benefit of attending their local church (a thread is used internally to shape promotional language and externally to give a community a great relevant reason to engage).

An effective thread (brand positioning, tagline, or slogan) is:

  • assumes a particular group from the community (currently in your congregation) called Personas
  • 3-5 words that represent a unique solution to an audience’s felt need or a path to a prominent goal
  • must be easy to remember and use
  • unites ministries so you’re a branded house, not a house of brands
  • easily connects to the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A thread is what you become known for as it’s woven through the fabric of every ministry. Our church branding system helps you discover yours.

church branding company

What makes Be Known for Something unique?

Our Be Known for Something® Church Branding System is unique. It’s based on our bestselling book “Be Known For Something | Reconnect with Community by Revitalizing Your Church’s Reputation” which was authored by Mark MacDonald (our founder and lead strategist) who is:

  • an ordained Pastor of Communication
  • 35+ decades of agency experience
  • has published 830+ church communication articles
  • appeared on 80+ podcasts and interviews
  • keynote and workshop speaker at many national church conferences
  • has influenced 1000s of Pastors who regularly say great things about us

In 2020, Be Known for Something was recognized as North America’s most influential church branding company (adding to our other creative and branding awards over our 20+ years).

Our system and process have helped 1000s of churches connect with communities to effectively evangelize. You can view some of our work here.

Mark also brings his knowledge as Executive Director of Center for Church Communication (influencing 10,000 churches) and from working with the 3000 Florida Baptist Churches (as the former Strategic Communication Catalyst). The Be Known for Something creative team maintains the highest standards for its designers, writers, and strategists.

We’ve also developed the “fastest way to a church brand” with their one-of-a-kind Branding Retreat. Our clients love us! Read some testimonials.

What Denominations do you work with?

Many churches find affinity with like-minded churches in the form of denominations and networks. Some outside of these networks are known as non-denominational. Be Known for Something works with evangelical churches preaching the biblical gospel (the power of Jesus to save in John 3:16).

Occasionally we engage with churches that hold different secondary doctrines from our team. Our system doesn’t correct or endorse any secondary doctrine, or suggest how churches should minister. We simply want you to be known for something relevant and needed in order to share the love of Christ and, through faith alone, their reach area will discover a much better Way. Jesus.

our services (frequently asked questions)

What’s the fastest way to a brand or rebrand?

We have 3 ways to Discover your Thread:


Our Be Known for Something® church branding system typically takes 5-7 months (depending on schedule and deadlines). We also have ways to speed the process up. Coaching can be over several months (you decide)!

The fastest way to a church brand? Probably one of the most frequently asked questions! It’s our Branding Retreat (part of our system or a la carte) where we use a 2 or 3-day leadership retreat to unify ministries, explore audiences, and discover a thread. We even (as time allows) start discussing Communication Strategy for your tools (website, print, email, etc.).

I like my logo. Is that enough for a Church Brand?

Probably not. Many believe their brand is a logo. This isn’t accurate. Your thread (what you’re known for) is actually your church brand. Your logo is just a visual reminder of the thread.

You need to discover your thread.

If you love your church logo but don’t have a thread, you’re allowing everyone to decide what you’re known for (from different messaging, perceptions, and materials). This isn’t a controlled brand. Our system can help you discover your thread to accompany the logo and, as needed, help you with communication strategy and tools.

When pricing includes logo system development — and you don’t need a logo — we’ll adjust the package’s price.

We have talented creatives, can you coach them?

Yes! Everything we practice and teach on a regular basis (church branding, communication tool management, team oversight, effective communication strategy, etc.) is offered through our coaching retainers. You decide how long the engagements will be.

We want to coach you how to do this for yourself!

I can’t find a particular project listed here; do you do custom work?

Try the website search function (upper right) to make sure. Or our NEW Build-Your-Own System. Still can’t find it? No problem. If it’s in branding, communication, design, writing, or strategy, we probably can custom-develop a project for you. Please request it here.

previous work

Can I see your previous Church Branding projects?

For sure (always one of our frequently asked questions)! We love our award-winning church branding work — almost as much as our clients do! Here’s a portfolio of some of our work (remember our clients maintain their brand and communication process after we’ve completed our work, so it may look different than when we completed the work).

Can I contact your previous clients for testimonials?

You can imagine how many requests we get to do this. It would drive our clients crazy with calls and emails! To make it better for our clients, we’ve requested testimonials at the end of projects. Read them.

Can I search through your 860+ Church Comm articles?

Yes! National publications have requested and published over 830 articlesMost are published on our website too. You can search by clicking on the magnifying glass (in the first column on the page; search for keywords, tags, ideas, etc.).

Don’t want to miss everything we write? Subscribe to our weekly emails (we send you NEW articles as they’re published)

Want an article written on a particular subject for yourself or a publication? Request it here.

who will i work with? great frequently asked questions!

Will I work directly with Mark MacDonald? Will there be anyone else?

As his schedule allows, Mark usually is your primary account contact. Even when another team member produces work as part of your contract, Mark interacts creatively behind the scenes and presents the work to you.

This leadership consistency creates an effective relationship with one of the leading church branding strategists, bestselling author, and senior creative director who has worked with hundreds of churches. And you’ll get to work with him!

Can I have a free call with Mark before I decide?

For sure! If you’re trying to decide what product, package, or service is best for you or your organization, Mark would like to talk.

He also likes meeting Pastors, Ministry Leaders, and Entrepreneurs! Schedule a discovery Zoom call here.

However, if you’re looking for consultation, advice, direction, or leadership on a particular issue in your organization, schedule a 1-hr consultation here.

in-person vs video?

Do you offer services via Zoom? Or do you require travel?

Zoom options are available for many of our engagements. However, a few of our products have components that are best provided in person.

We enjoy traveling, attending churches, and meeting leadership in person if possible (at least once or twice in our church branding system).

You’ll save travel expenses for all Zoom engagements (if you opt for them).

Where is your agency located? Is travel included in prices?

Be Known for Something has team members across the US. Mark MacDonald is located in Jacksonville, Florida.

Travel (flights, hotel, meals, ground transportation, etc.) is not included in pricing unless requested.

pricing frequently asked questions?

What are your prices? What do they include?

Thanks for asking! We have several pricing documents (see below for links). Descriptions of each process, product, and service are detailed with each. Travel (flights, hotel, meals, ground transportation, etc.), shipping, and taxes are billed extra. We also create custom packages based on budget and deadlines.

  • Our full Church Branding System pricing (5-7 month engagement) is available here.
  • Retreat pricing (in-person only) is here. Coaching Retainer Options (Zoom) are here.
  • Website Assessment (Zoom) is here. Website Content Audit ( is also on Zoom and is found here.
  • Bestselling Church Branding Book pricing is here (from the publisher) and at Amazon. 
Do you coach on an hourly basis?

Yes. We prefer to offer our coaching in one of our retainers (it’s more economical), but we understand how restrictive budgets or deadlines require hourly coaching.

You can schedule 1-hour coaching here.

Can I have a free call with Mark before I decide?

For sure! If you’re trying to decide what product, package, or service is best for you or your organization, Mark would like to talk. Plus, he enjoys meeting Pastors, Ministry Leaders, and Entrepreneurs! Schedule a free discovery Zoom call here.

NOTE: If you’re looking for consultation, advice, direction, or leadership on a particular issue in your organization, schedule a 1-hr consultation here.

Can you help me convince leadership?

Do you have a PDF to sell your agency to my leaders?

Yes! We understand that it’s not always you making the final decision. Here’s a printable scope document download that explains our Church Branding System with examples of our work.

Pricing is not in the Scope Document but is available at the following links:

  • Our full Church Branding System pricing (5-7 month engagement) is available here.
  • Retreat pricing (in-person only) is here. Coaching Retainer Options (Zoom) are here.
  • Website Assessment (Zoom) is here.
  • Website Content Audit ( on Zoom and is found here.
  • Bestselling Church Branding Book pricing is here and at Amazon.

If you need something else (like a phone call), please contact us.

products and services questions?

video answers to frequently asked questions

what is church branding?

why do i need branding?

do i need church thread?

church branding products


Built WITH you!

Branding System

Proven church branding system: audience research, thread discovery, logo system, and coaching so you wisely use your brand and strategy.

Guided by an Expert

coaching retainer

With the heart of a teacher, expert Communication and Branding Coach who’ll guide, motivate, & encourage in best practices.

Discover Improvements!

website audits

Have an expert audit your website (the center of your digital hub) with an explanation of recommended improvements. Or go even deeper into content SEO!

Search your frequently asked questions (by keyword) in our 860+ Articles