3 Post-Easter Communication Changes

It’s hard to believe that Easter is finished for another year. All that preparation and planning — especially with communication! Hopefully your church used this holy day to reach into your community and minister to their needs.

After any large event, you should have a post-analysis of successes and weaknesses. The sooner that happens after the event the better. Be a leader and assemble a variety of people (staff and volunteers) who will honestly discuss the details and aftermath.

Church communication isn’t a science;
it’s an art.

Every ministry is different; so the possibilities for effective church communication are endless. Some things can simply be copied from other churches but the majority of content and design needs to be customized to your local church needs. You have a unique audience!

We recommend these 3 church communication changes right after Easter:

  1. Consider how many extra people are coming to your website. You probably had more communication activity in the last few weeks because of Easter. People who don’t regularly hear about your church (or even came to Easter services) will have a better recall of your name. If they google your name hopefully they’ll find a great website. Start with the “who” (who’s on your website): regular members, new visitors, prospective visitors. Start asking yourself these questions about them: What are they looking for? What do you want them to do? Provide it as easily as possible. Can’t do that? Consider a new website and better communication strategy.
  2. Get ready for Summer. Easter tends to psychologically move us towards summer. Since people are paying attention to you especially around Easter; make sure you lead them to your next “good thing”. Easter attracted them but how will you keep them coming? Prove that you’re a church that helps them. In the summer and then the Fall. It’s time for spring cleaning — go through EVERY web page. If the content isn’t relevant; let it expire or recede into the background. Make sure the momentum is forward with nothing saying “backward”. Consider our website audit — we’d love to help!
  3. Itemize how you could improve and start making changes. Consider how your church communication interacts. Your digital hub (social, web, email) must work together so that your messages are clear and discoverable. Make them work well, and your congregation will be happy!

Of course, Easter requires followup before Easter’s totally complete so there’s lots of work to be done. Consider now, your communication strategy that will lead to an effective year of communications that will lead to next Easter. It’s not too soon to be planning. We’d love to help! Contact us today.

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