Businesses: 3 Things You Must Love.

Valentines Day Corny

Valentine’s is just a few days away. I’m amused when I walk by the Valentines’ Card section and see men standing and roaming through cards on the rack. None look impressed. Too many to chose from. None feel like something they’d actually say. But men are expected to give a card and a gift so that their “significant other” feels special.

Sometimes it feel inauthentic.

And in-authenticity rarely plays well. Especially in relationships. And you, as a business owner, have a relationship with your customers. How do you feel about them? How do you show your love? (I realize for the purists; the word technically is like; and not love. But most people use love as a step-up for “like”)

Here are 3 things you as a business owner should “love” and how to demonstrate it:

  1. Love your Audience. Of course, in order to do this; you have to identify who exactly gets your affection. And then you need to figure out what they want; what they need, and deliver it. Because you love them and want the best for them.
  2. Love your Product. This is the “what”. You have several products/services that need to fall under the word, “product”. And what you need to “love” has to encompass the whole bunch of them. I would start with “loving the ‘what’s in it for them’ concept”. The “why”. The sheer “benefit.”
  3. Love your Work. Make sure that you have a work environment that you love. That you love to participate in it every moment you can. That’s when you know you’re being authentic.

When these 3 things come together; your customers will “love” you. And everything will “feel” right. This Valentine‘s Day, send a mental (or physical/digital) note to your customers — they’ll love it! And you’ll experience their loyalty and purchasing power.

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