3 Things I’m Learning in Our Move This Week.

This week we’re moving PinPoint. Just across town, but it seems huge for us. After months of planning and dreaming, it’s all coming together. This move is going to be so good for us, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t let things fall through the cracks.

  1. We’ve sold excess stuff. It’s always a good thing to get rid of things that are old or need to be replaced. Have you gone through your things lately? How about your storage spaces. I’m sure that virtually all businesses are paying for space for storage that they don’t need. It’s a tough task, but it’ll save you money!
  2. Take care of the customers. They’re number one. Period. Make sure that they don’t notice the changes. I’m hoping that our process will mean that no client will say “Oh, that’s right, it slipped because you’re moving”. I love our clients!
  3. Take care of your co-workers. They’re your lifeline. They have great ideas and they can make the move easier. I want to make sure they’re happy. It’s a huge opportunity for them to help the company in transition. I love my co-workers!

I’m excited about the week. It’s going to be a long one. But PinPoint is going to be bigger and better on the other side of it. If you’re a praying person, please whisper a few prayers for each of us (and our clients) this week! See you in the new office!

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