3 Ways to Improve Your Website Now.

I love seeing TV shows with self-improvement tips. How to dress better, how to talk to people, how to take better pictures, how to use electronics, etc. I’m a sucker for the before/after pictures. 
The contrast emphasizes what needs to be done (and suffering the pain of doing them).

How would you improve your website? You have the “before” picture if you go to your URL now. Here’s 3 ways to improve it so you will be found and enjoyed (and have amazing “after” pictures too!):

  1. Check Keywords. If you “view source” (right-click on your homepage background); you get to see the code that created your website. Often, command-F will allow you to search with in that code. Search for “keywords”. If you can’t find a list of them, you’re not going to be found easily on search engines. Think about 10 words that you want to be found for — they should describe your benefits and your products. BE CAREFUL: Don’t have too many. And make sure you’re using these words in your page content (search engines check to make sure you do!)
  2. Edit. The average person reads 300 words/min; but only spend about 10 seconds “reading” your pages. That means they can only take in about 50 words in that time. Make sure you’re editing your pages to a couple of sentences and some bullet points. Blogs get people to read for about a minute; so on those pages, you get 300 words! That’s why this blog is 294 words and 3 points.
  3. Engage. Consider your audience — what are they looking for on your website? Then think creatively to engage them with it. Consider interactivity — people love to fill out short forms, watch videos, look at galleries and search/filter information (to give them a “custom” feel on your website).

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