4 Things You Should Know About Website Hosting

Church websites are so essential! But your ‘website’ is only a tool for delivering effective content. We’ve been building church websites for 10 years and here’s 4 things to consider:

  1. Hosting has become a commodity. So you should be paying about $10/month. Ensure the host allows you to change things easily and cancel (while you maintain ownership) at anytime. Also, check with your programmers to make sure they are familiar with the host before you sign a contract. They should offer unlimited emails and a large amount of storage space. And make sure that you don’t use a host known for pornography; ie. GoDaddy
  2. You don’t have to pay for a content management system. WordPress (or similar open source engine) is the most popular website cms’s for churches today. They’re free. NO MONTHLY fees!
  3. Don’t settle for “one of their” templates. Your website should look like your church (designed custom) — and what your print materials look like. This helps develop a brand for your church. And brands bring more people into a church. 85% of people visit a website before visiting a church. If your church doesn’t “feel” like your web; most of them will never return.
  4. Spend time on content. It’s all about what you’re saying, not about the tool. Edit. Edit. Edit. The average person only reads 50 words on a page. Writing more ensures no one will read it.

We write lots of tips/tricks/hints here on our blog for Churches, but if you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly (I love the Lord and want to help the church!)

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