5 Things a Communication Strategy Will Do

I don’t have a lot of money. You probably don’t either. So when I decide to buy something; it has to work and have a good Return of Investment (ROI). If I buy a car; it has to be cost-effective in getting me around. A meal has to satisfy.

So if you’re doing marketing and advertising; the amount you invest in it (time and money); has to have a return that’s larger than your investment; or it’s not worth it.

Are you busy doing a lot and nothing pays off? You probably need a communication strategy. A good plan.

Here’s 5 things that a GREAT Communication Strategy package does:

  1. Figures out what you want “to be known for” as a brand. It, of course, has to be either unique or different enough (from what your competitors offer) to attract an audience who wants what you’re known for. Sounds simple, but this is the core of a strategy.
  2. Determines the best communication methods. Yes, it incorporates your website and social media; but what else? And how specifically does it use your current online materials?
  3. Attracts a following. We like to use online advertising (facebook ads, google adwords, etc) with a mix of traditional marketing. This is dependent on budget of course. For as little as $50-75/week we’ve been able to get hundreds of followers to our social media. This isn’t the “over promising” pie-in-the-sky tricks that people are swindling people to spend. These methods actually get results.
  4. Develops beneficial content to your growing audience. If you have benefits for a specific audience (that are reasonably priced), you’ll increase business. And this becomes the core of your business plan. You stop selling products and services and start selling solutions.
  5. Ensures that everything works together (and communicates in unison). Your blogs will point to social media; and your social media will point to your blogs. Your website will point to your blogs and your direct mail/advertising/eblasts will point to your website. And on and on it goes. Nothing is ever “wasted”. Everything is necessary.

The cost of a typical communications strategy is about 1500 – 2000. But as you can see — it’s well worth it. Because a good strategy always generates a ROI (or it needs to be altered). Just contact us to get started!

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