$650,402 in 3 weeks.

Recently our church had a burden to reach out to the Hispanic community in our city. God lined up several factors to lead us to believe that the time should be now.

We had a few hurdles:

  • We needed a Location. The church wanted to make sure the location would be within walking distance of the audience, near the local school where a lot of Hispanics attend (and we’ve had a relationship with), and it would be nice if we didn’t have to spend a lot of money on it to get it “service” ready.
  • We needed Money. The economy was going against us. A lot of our congregation wonder about their jobs or have lost them. We just spent a lot of money on another campus and our own central campus needs work.
  • We needed it quickly. Once we identified the location, we would need to act quickly in order to occupy the space. And the need is so great. Now.

What on earth were we to do? Well, God showed up. We found a vacant small church in the perfect location near the community elementary school, and because of the economy, we were able to negotiate an amazing price. The Pastors announced we would pay cash only (yeah!); and our offering for the money would be taken over the month of October. We needed $600,000.

What happened? Well, when God is part of the project, should we even worry? Nope. God funds the things He wants.

After 3 weeks of offerings (only a month after it was brought to the church), we hit $650,402 (cash) as of today. Yes. We went over.


God funds the projects He wants. Seek His face and direction. The best way to do this, make sure you have the right people on your boards, and truly listen to them. And your congregation.

Have God-sized Goals. Think you’ll have obstacles along the way? Yep. But dream big and truly expect God to show up. How big does HE want your goals to be. I would add, that God doesn’t need to use debt to accomplish His goals.

Plan for an excess. We ended up with more than we asked for. Now, THAT’S like God. Decide before hand what you’ll do when God gives you more. That’s faith. And it shows your congregation the confidence you have in His will and Timing.

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