Church Focus Groups

Know Your Audience's Heart

Church Focus Groups (Listening Groups)


Effective communication (and leadership) rises and falls on how well you know your audience. As a result, Church Focus Groups help you listen to discover an honest opinion!

Focus groups are the easiest way to hear the heart of your congregation (and community). Get their honest and candid ideas. Engage with us:

  • Professional church listening groups
  • Conducted by a Pastor of Communication
  • Exceptional church focus group experience
  • Afterward, learn from age-graded reports

Mark MacDonald, bestselling author, and communication specialist has conducted church focus groups for 3 decades.

Finally, Be Known for Something® is now offering church focus groups as a standalone service and is still part of our award-winning complete church branding system.

3 Focus Groups are part of the complete Church Branding System


You Need Church Listening Groups. Here's When:

  • Before hiring a Pastor
  • Launching New Leadership
  • Part of Ministry Relaunch
  • Starting a Church Branding project
  • Closing your church’s backdoor
  • Showing you care about them
  • For congregation assessment
  • To identify problems and solutions

You’ll Discover:

  • What brought them to the church?
  • Things that keep them
  • What is your church known for?
  • Would they improve anything?
  • What keeps them from attending?
  • Why are people leaving?
  • Are you communicating enough?
  • Is the church missing something?

Focus Groups


Hear hearts; adapt ministry.

Package of 3 Focus Groups


  • Leadership Interview
  • ChMS Analysis
  • Demographic Recommendations
  • 3 Generational 1-Hr Focus Groups
  • Church Focus Group Report
  • Ministry Recommendations
  • Optional Church-wide Survey
  • Optional Community Groups

In-Person Groups

Focus groups conducted at your location

Virtual Groups Available

Conducted on Zoom
if you like


We can coach you how to do them.

Focus Group Package Pricing

Includes: Initial Meeting, Recommendations for Groups, Digital Invitation for Participants, Focus Group Meetings, Comparison Report, and Recommendations

STARTING AT $4500 FOR CHURCH FOCUS GROUP PACKAGE (UP TO 3) Additional groups: $1300 each

Free Download


After decades of listening to (unchurched) community focus groups, the Be Known for Something team compiled 12 EYEOPENING DISCOVERIES that every church needs to hear.

Preparation for Church Focus Groups

Invite Your Focus Groups:

If you’re part of the Be Known For Something® Church Branding System, you get 3 listening groups (but more are available). For most areas of the US, and for most churches, we recommend:

From your congregation:

  • GROUP 1: Only Millennials (born 1982-2001)
  • GROUP 2: Only Survivors (born 1961 – 1981)
  • GROUP 3: Only Boomers (born 1943 – 1960)

Optional community groups (not connected to your church and preferably any church). We get interesting demographic insights from them. It helps when trying to communicate to your community. Well worth the $950 extra/group:

  • GROUP 4: Only Millennials (born 1982-2001)
  • And any other group you’d like to listen to (to get a church perspective from)

Requirements for each Focus Group:

  • Each group needs 8-10/session
  • Each session will last 1-hr
  • Allow 30-min between sessions
  • Randomly choose people. Don’t cherry-pick people
  • No church leadership should be present in the group (to encourage conversation)
  • Someone from the church leadership should welcome people, endorse the meeting, and introduce Mark MacDonald (the moderator)
  • It’s good to have snacks/drinks (or light food if it’s near a meal time)

Room Requirements:

We want people to feel comfortable. So have the focus group in a quiet location (it can be in the church or off-site).

  • No tables are necessary. Arrange chairs in a circle (or around a table).
  • Moderator needs to be sitting in the circle and will need a power cord at/near that location
  • The group will be recorded. Not for the church, but for Be Known For Something notetaking. This is why we need a quiet location.
  • No person in the group will be personally associated with what is said.

Inviting people:

We’ve heard phone calls work better than emails. And hear too, it’s difficult to assemble these groups. Start early and followup near group time. 

Sometimes the church chooses to give gift cards as an incentive or a thank you. It’s always nice to send a thank you note afterward. It’s entirely up to you. 


Sample email/Phone script to get people to attend (make it your own):

***Congregation Script:

[Invitee], [church name] has been working on communication material to serve our membership and community well. We’re getting a small group of people together to ‘pick their brains’ about life and how our church is or isn’t involved. We’ll also discuss communication preferences. 
I think you’ll be great for that group.
We’ve asked an outside consultant to conduct the meeting so everyone can freely share. Would you be willing to do this? 
It’ll be for only 1 hr on [date/time]. We’ll meet at the church in [indicate room]. 
Thank you so much! Let me know if you have any questions. Can I add you to the list of people attending?

***Community Script:

[Invitee],  our church, [church name], has been working on communication material to serve our community well. Your name was mentioned by [referral] to be part of a small group who, like you, aren’t connected to our church but you understand our community. 
Will you join them? An outside consultant will ‘pick your brain’ about life and how church is or isn’t involved. We’ll also discuss communication preferences.
Would you be willing to do this? It’ll be for only 1 hr on [date/time]. If you’re interested, we’ll meet at the church. Someone will meet you inside the front door to show you to our room. 
Thank you so much! Let me know if you have any questions. Can I add you to the list of people attending?