Church, stop being the best-kept secret (why and how)

Church, stop being the communities best kept secret

Being the “best-kept secret” might sound appealing, but for a church, it’s a problem. It suggests your church has much to offer, yet few know about the ministries. Here’s why you shouldn’t brag about being the best-kept secret and fix your issues to ensure your church is known for something relevant and needed.

1. The Great Commission Calls for Visibility

Jesus commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19 NIV). Your mission is about outreach and spreading the Gospel, which is impossible if your church remains a secret.

Practical Fix: Develop an outreach and communication plan

Organize, invite to, and host community events to introduce yourself to those around you. An effective communication strategy will use social media like Facebook and Instagram to broaden your reach.

2. A Hidden Church Limits Growth

When people don’t know about your church, they can’t join your community. A church that is the best-kept secret misses out on potential members (those needing Jesus and needing to hear the Gospel).

Practical Fix: Optimize your church website (your community will start there)

Update content regularly using relevant keywords to help your church website rank higher in search engine (Google) results. Try to rank for relevant keywords your community would be seeking.

3. Impact on Community is Limited

Your church should be a lighthouse of hope for the community. If your church is not known for anything, you’re missing the chance to minister to those in need. Spiritually, emotionally, and physically!

Practical Fix: Partner with like-minded local organizations, denomination entities, and nonprofits to introduce yourself to a greater audience in need. God didn’t call us to do outreach alone. Partnerships allow your promotion to reach further.

4. Membership Engagement and Retention

When a church isn’t well-known, even members might feel disconnected, possibly leading to low engagement and retention.

Practical Fix: Discover your church brand thread. Know why they need you and what can be said quickly so your members will have controlled language for why they attend. And, when used constantly and consistently internally (stage, bulletin, online, etc.), your members will invite externally using that language.

Is your church the best-kept secret? I hope not. The Great Commission calls for outreach, not secrecy. “Let your light so shine… that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 KJV). Let’s use church communication to remove the bushel basket and reveal the Light we have to shine!

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