Creating an Effective Church Communication System

My garage and workshop needed organization. A quick look and it was obvious. I hate not being able to find stuff. The more disorganized something is, the harder it is to get started. They say that recognizing the problem is half the battle. I think they lie.

Recognizing the problem is really only the start — of a lot of hard work!

We’re often asked at conferences, “our church needs to fix (or establish) our church communication system” and then they add, “but how do we get started?!” In a short article, it’s difficult to explain all the hard work, but here’s 4 steps to get started:

  1. Form a team that can say “no”. One person can’t do everything. Start with a small team of communicators who are committed to the senior leadership and mission. They should have two things: a love for effective communications and the leader of the group should have a seat at the leadership table. Communicators should love saying yes, but need to be empowered to say “no” in order to achieve the best for the church.
  2. Tier your communications. There are a ton of messages coming from every program in the church. Each can’t have the same priority. Leadership needs to decide what your church should “be known for” and then your team needs to prioritize (tier) communications so certain messages are more important than others. The top tier gets announced from the stage perhaps. Second tier may get homepage space on your website and the worship guide. Third may get only a mention on the church calendar and on an interior web page. Once the tiers are established, you must remain consistent!
  3. Develop the tools people will use. You can’t rely only on word of mouth. Yes, a pulpit announcement is very effective; but it’s limited. So develop tools that will be used. Print communication (bulletin, posters, brochures) popularity is waning everywhere; so digital (web, social, email, texting) is growing in leaps and bounds. You need to create a digital hub so that each tool interconnects and engages the largest audience. A communication campaign can be done very cost-effectively once you have the right tools in place.
  4. Create a Timed Strategy. Create deadlines and content specifications so your communication’s team can create effective campaigns in enough time to reach the most amount of people. The strategy controls the delivery, content and duration of the messages.

Once all of this is in place, over time, your church will be able to effectively share the message of Jesus Christ to more people through an effective church communication system. The fuel behind it all? Prayer. And a whole lot of organization.

Interested in our BeKnownforSomething team walking you through the process that leads to an effective church communication strategy and system? Click here to learn more. Contact us.

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