5 Ways to Ignite Engagement
This week brings fresh opportunities to engage your congregation and community more effectively. People are looking for connection, meaning, and
It’s true. I was caught with a cookie at my local grocery store. An ugly scene.
The grocery store close to our old office; regularly had their manager handing out cookies. They had a clear glass cookie jar and little wax paper “picker-uppers” so we could sample. I felt loved.
To be honest, I got in the habit of picking up a cookie each time I entered. And occasionally I would buy a package to treat my office. I felt good about the store and about their cookies.
A few days ago I entered a different store near our current office and saw a glass cookie jar. Without thinking; I reached in and took a treat.
Not once did I feel like a felon. A shoplifter. Or a child hater.
I proceeded to pick up my groceries and realized an older lady was approaching me with her cart. I moved out of her way and she stopped and said “Why are you eating that cookie?!”. Embarrassed by her loudness, I jokingly admitted to her and those around us, “It makes me feel young at heart”.
Without blinking she told me what a horrible person I am and how I had no right to the free cookies. I moved away and tried to apologize. She followed me down the aisle. But I was faster. As I disappeared around the corner, I heard her yell “You must like taking cookies from little children, don’t you!”.
The next visit; I looked carefully to see if it says anything about “children only” near their cookie jar. And no. It doesn’t.
But I’m not risking it again. I avoid the bakery area. And I’m kinda scared I’ll get hit by a can of carrots if I run into the lady again. So I avoid the store.
All because of poor signage. Businesses. Please. Have good, clear signage. And ban cranky old ladies.
This week brings fresh opportunities to engage your congregation and community more effectively. People are looking for connection, meaning, and
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