Happy 4th of July!

I want to wish you all a happy 4th of July. Independence Day.

I’m not sure what that means to you — but I’m blessed to have the privilege of working in the United States (as a Canadian) where I can worship freely, talk freely, and operate a business freely.

I realize that each year those freedoms are under attack. Foreign and Domestically. We need to be Thankful for what we have.

  • We need to Defend the freedoms we have. This requires us to have knowledge of how and why we have the freedom we do.
  • We need to Explain what our freedoms mean to our kids. Each generation seems to be slipping from the initial historic values of the fore fathers.
  • Most of all, we need to Thank God for allowing us to live in this great nation. And not take anything for granted. It’s a privilege.

Have a great 4th! Be thankful! Have a burger and hot dog with your family!

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