Be like Spiderman — Arrive Just in Time!

The fall is upon us (for some winter is already. The American election is over. Thanksgiving is around the corner.

What does that mean to you as a business owner? Is it your biggest time of year? A time for less sales?

What do seasons mean to you? Your customers?

Understanding timing is so critical. Once you figure that out, your marketing strategy will be clarified too. Here are some timing issues you should be proactive with:

  • E-blasts. Make sure you know when the most amount of people come to your website. That should tell you when the most people are interested in looking for your service or product. With that knowledge, you should set up reminders, blogs, ads, and eblasts to arrive at the best time.
  • Products. This is the obvious one. You have to make sure your product is ready when people want it. Looking at sales numbers over an annual calendar will help with this. Or even time of day. If you’re not available for when people call, you can lose a sale. So even for services, you should be aware of timing. If there’s not enough product, people will go elsewhere.
  • Marketing materials. Don’t try to do communication materials when you’re really busy. We know that doesn’t work. Look for “down time” or slow time and use that timing to take the right amount of time to develop/improve a website and materials that will meet the client demand. Then make sure it’s delivered “just in time” to entice your customers to come to you.

A recent survey projects a 16% increase in online holiday sales this year (over 2009). I’m looking forward to the economy coming back. I believe it’ll happen. I’m glad we’re ready for it! Let us know if we can help you get there too.

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