When Preaching Solutions, Do These Two Things First
Pastors have a unique, God-given responsibility: faithfully proclaim God’s Word. But with that, it’s helping people see its relevance in
I just renovated our master closet. I enjoy home renovations; but for reasons most wouldn’t guess. I love to take a “problem”, create a plan; then watch the plan create the solution (step by step). Before and After images are the best way to show the transformation.
Is your Ministry in need of a transformation? Are there “issues” that need to be resolved? Do you think there’s a better way?
Then there’s 2 things you MUST do now. And I’m assuming you are committed to ministering the way that Christ did.
This process will do several things. It starts to identify problems, lets you start thinking about how you can start solving the problems, but most of all, consider what you learned about your audience, and what they need or want; then see how your products can solve their “pains”. Once you identify the “benefits” of your ministry (from this analysis); you can revolutionize your ministry.
And that’s what we call your brand. Start thinking benefits today! And ditch anything that isn’t needed. It’ll free up time and resources while keeping your audience happy (and give them a reason to invite others)!
Pastors have a unique, God-given responsibility: faithfully proclaim God’s Word. But with that, it’s helping people see its relevance in
As a pastor or ministry leader, you wear many hats. That’s an understatement, right? Spiritual shepherd, visionary, counselor, and often
Someone in your community or congregation who wants to know about your church ministries will probably Google you. Then go
Discover your thread®. Be Known for Something® relevant and needed. Pastor, control your church brand and be heard again.
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– Build Your Brand
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