We’ve got a Problem!

Yesterday my sons and I poured a concrete pad in front of the shed. We got the shed a couple months ago and we knew the reasons we needed the improvements:

  • The area gets very muddy.
  • We have vines, weeds and poison ivy growing everywhere.
  • There’s a big step up to the shed door.

But knowing the problems is only half the battle.

I don’t want to downplay the “problem identification” step tough. You see, in order to solve an issue you have to identify the problem. However, I’m amazed that people work around problem after problem and never seem to notice them. (Quite frankly, this drives me crazy!)

Here’s 3 easy steps to help you identify some things around you that need a solution:

  1. Can you identify the “Standard”? We’ve all been there before. Those “perfect” places. Often time, I don’t even realize what it’s supposed to look like or behave (optimally). Until I see it working really well for someone else. If you don’t know what “perfect” looks like; you need to seek advice from those who know. Often we have potential clients say they “love” their website. They don’t even know it’s broken; they have no idea what a great site will do for them. Once we tell or show them, they don’t want to use their current materials.
  2. Look around you. This is the fun part. Many people get used to living in their current state, that they don’t even notice issues and problems. Look at things like your new customers would. The “fresh” eye that sees a lot of things that you miss now. I find that the average person doesn’t “look” any more. Gaze around you like a wide-eyed baby. Notice everything! (positive and negative)
  3. What doesn’t measure up to the “Standard”? Now position the standard to the status quo. How are you doing? Be ruthless. Consider what making a change would do. Go identification of problems help set priorities. Things will be better for you if you make the changes! I promise it.

Once my kids and I knew the problems and the possibilities of solving the issues, we decided that we’d pour the cement pad. Of course, we knew very little about how to do it. But that’s an entirely different blog…

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