We’re in. But not unpacked.

Most things in life are much harder than they look. For weeks we prepared for the day that the Rental Truck would pull up to our old house. We had lots of friends arrive last Saturday to transfer our packing to the new house. Seven hours went quickly. And then our sweaty friends (no offense to them) left. And the kids and my wife and I looked at each other. We realized it was still not over.

Running a business is much the same. You do customer research, develop a business plan (I hope) and then open the doors to the public. You probably have to wipe the sweat from your forehead. But then you realize you’re only beginning the journey.

Business is a roller coaster. Lots of work. Not a lot of work. Great employees. Wrong choices. Lots of cash flow. No money. But we do it because of the thrill. We are entrepreneurs! Are you enjoying the ride?

Every spare moment of my evenings and weekends, I find myself overwhelmed with the renovations and “fixing-up” that needs to be done. I’ve replaced toilet seats, arranged furniture. Rearranged furniture. Built kitchen islands. And the list goes on. This weekend, I realized that there’s only one way to get it all done. And that’s to develop a plan and accomplish one thing at a time. And involve as much of “your family” as possible.

If you’re feeling like you’re out of control, take a step back, and evaluate what is important. Be careful though — the (seemingly) urgent will creep up and discourage you from doing the plan. The important tasks usually have to be done before the urgent. And slowly but surely, you’ll take charge.

Not sure what the essentials are? We’d love to help. Marketing is often slaughtered on the altar of the urgent. Think about it — if you’re not developing a way to bring money in to the business, you won’t survive. It’s like driving around town doing your business but never stopping to fill your tank with gas.

Anyone else struggle with the Urgent? Or maybe it would be easier to complain about the cost of gas…

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