What Your Church Website is Screaming About You

Everyone uses the internet. Well, not “everyone”. At the time this was written 86.75% of Americans use the web (2020 stats here and here). For more current statistics.  Most of us visit the internet quickly to discover new things, remind us of information, be entertained, and/or buy things.

So it makes sense to have a website if you want to communicate effectively (instead of having a large selection of brochures). Internet use is increasing while many forms of print communications is declining. Internet is winning!

For effective communications, your church needs a GREAT website. Latest research says people take only a few seconds to decide if they’ll stay on a website. That means people perceive your church’s ministries from only a glance. Most people want simple, clean, and easy to navigate. It represents a ministry that’s committed to helping the community navigate life.

If people won’t stay on your website, why do you expect them to visit your church building?

Every church website has content, functionality, and design; and together, those three things SCREAM three things about the owner of it:

  • You care (or don’t care) about communications. If your church website doesn’t practice essential communication principles, people assume the leadership doesn’t prioritize communication. Your church website is symptomatic of a deeper communication issue in the church. Churches (not just the sermons) need to be committed to engaging with the audience. We’re commanded to “go and tell”. An effective church website is the best way to reach the most people.
  • You understand (or don’t understand) the current world. The more people use websites; the more people establish a website paradigm that’s expected. If you break it or deviate from the normal way; people think you’re not up to date. Your church website must follow the rules and be at (or above) the standard of “most” websites.
  • You know (or don’t know) what your church is offering. Most people go to a church website to find the service times, directions, and ministry/service opportunities. If people can’t find these easily (accurately and timely) then people will think you don’t know what’s going on in your church. They’ll simply chose a church who does.

Churches around the world are finally discovering the importance of communicating better. They’re committing staff or volunteers to collect, organize, and distribute essential information to the right people. Your church website would be the central hub of your ministry. Do it right and you’ll be found for the content you have online — and it’ll compel people to your ministry.

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