3 church website checks that will transform online presence
Someone in your community or congregation who wants to know about your church ministries will probably Google you. Then go
I walked toward the Worship Center. An usher briefly caught my eye and handed me a church bulletin. I didn’t really want it but I felt like I was obligated. Greeters are good like that. It’s like they’ve been challenged to give away the most bulletins.
Whether you call it a Ministry Guide, Church Bulletin, or Worship Guide, it seems that most don’t want one. Every Sunday I find myself wondering why I ended up with the brochure. Fortunately, our church reduced the size from a monster pamphlet to a small mini-flyer to save money.
I wondered though if I’m the only one who doesn’t want one. So after service and before our Bible Fellowship Class started, I polled the 60 that were present for class. We’re multigenerational (20’s-60’s) so we’re a wonderful cross-section of our church. Half attend the “blended” service and the other half go to our contemporary service. This was NOT scientific, but based on church client conversations it’s very typical:
• 92% Received Church Bulletins
• 23% Glanced at It During/Before the Service
• 8% Read Previous Week’s Church Bulletins Sometime During the Week
Based on this quick survey, only 1/3 used the church bulletin for its purpose (to communicate). Almost 70% totally had NO USE for church bulletins. Should we stop producing them? If you look around you’ll see that print communication is dying. So what should the church do?
Don’t get me wrong. Print is NOT dead so don’t trash church bulletins completely. Instead, figure out how to co-exist with the digital world. If you get it correct, even though it’s diminishing; print communications will continue to have influence.
We still read books and flip through print magazines. We just do it differently. So let’s solve the issues so more will read one of their church bulletins — and ultimately figure out how to communicate information effectively.
Digital communications allow us to analyze reading and user habits (it’s difficult to do that with print). So let’s take what we’ve learned from the digital world and incorporate that knowledge into the print world:
Bad (70 words): You are invited to participate in the National Day of Prayer this week. Join with churches all across our great nation to pray for the needs of our country, church and community. We’ll pray for the President, other elected, and appointed officials. We’ll meet this Thursday in our worship center at 12:15pm. We’ll spend only 30 min, hearing various needs and testimonies. Please join us for this great event.
Better (20 words): National Day of Prayer: This Thurs. Noon-12:30. Church-wide Prayer Service. Prayer changes things. Details: yourchurch.org/pray
Tip: Create an “All Member” area, “Teen” area, “Children” area, etc. and limit the event info to just the facts. Websites give more details.
Once people see you’re using this style of compressed communications, they’ll scan the bulletin more, which ultimately achieves the goal of communicating the news. But how do we coordinate with the digital hub?
The communications position in the church used to be the person who changed the sign and produced the bulletin. Now, the job has grown into more than double the work with the web, social, and email communications. It really must have constant attention in order for it to be done correctly.
Here are 3 suggestions for making the job easier:
Be sure you consider the tools that can be used to tie your print communications to your digital hub. Here are two:
QR Codes: That odd-looking block of digital noise you see on a lot of print materials. Its only purpose? It allows someone to quickly move from printed communications to the web (for interactivity, or more content). With a QR Code reader app, someone can jump to your web page. Remember they expect a mobile-friendly or responsive website as the destination. With the QR code (search for “create free QR codes” for the ability to set them up) you can easily send someone from your bulletin to the sermon notes or the cool video that was used in the announcements. Remember, once they’re on your website, people can share the content easily!
E-blasts: Reinforce the bulletin message in regular emails to your members. Just keep them short so people can scan them too. And use the email to link to your website for more information.
The Digital Hub paradigm shift is to get your print materials to point to your website where the core content is available and shareable. Make sure your website has a simple design, is responsive for mobile, and is always up to date. Let’s get this right so we can communicate your ministries effectively!
Someone in your community or congregation who wants to know about your church ministries will probably Google you. Then go
The first of the year is an excellent time for personal and ministry renewal, initiating ideas, and stopping things that
When people walk through your church doors for the first time, they’re often seeking connection, spiritual help, or a place
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