4 Tips for Growing Your Church With Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing can grow your church this year. Remember when we relied on the Yellow Pages for bring people in?
My wife and sons have been gone for a few weeks. It’s a great opportunity each year for them to spend time with their grandmother, cousins, aunts and uncles. I wish I could spend the time away with them, but I can’t take that much time off.
I missed them a lot. Each for various reasons.
I missed my wife, the conversations, the life-sharing. OK, I missed her organizational skills, the house management and how well she does dishes and laundry. There. I admitted it.
My two teens are so different from each other. I missed the older for his intellectual and political banter; and strangely, I missed his “nothing”; which is his standard answer to my, “What did you do today?”.
My younger son; I missed his technology discussions, our “everything Apple” back and forth, and his quick wit and joking. And I miss how beautifully they mow the lawn (especially since we’ve had a long run of 90 degree weather).
This experience reminds me of what we do for branding and marketing of a product or service.
It all starts with determining the head space of your audience. Take a moment, close your eyes and imagine your audience. Put yourself in their shoes.
I love having my family back. Plus, I love talking about the importance of determining the message of selling your product/service. It’s the start of great things ahead. If someone truly needs your product and you communicate the benefits of it properly — you’ll have success!
Digital Marketing can grow your church this year. Remember when we relied on the Yellow Pages for bring people in?
Pastors have a unique, God-given responsibility: faithfully proclaim God’s Word. But with that, it’s helping people see its relevance in
As a pastor or ministry leader, you wear many hats. That’s an understatement, right? Spiritual shepherd, visionary, counselor, and often
Discover your thread®. Be Known for Something® relevant and needed. Pastor, control your church brand and be heard again.
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