4 Tips for Growing Your Church With Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing can grow your church this year. Remember when we relied on the Yellow Pages for bring people in?
I’ve posted several times in the past months about twitter and Facebook. It seems that I’m on these websites everyday. They’ve become part of my life.
Can you imagine ever saying those words? The internet has only been around a little more than a decade, and it seems like I’m googling, facebooking, browsing, blogging and surfing many times a day. Every day. And I never even used those weird words 5-6 years ago!
How did we get along without it? I rely so heavily on the “net” for research, entertainment and communication. About half the emails I get point to an internet link and the first place I turn to for news is… you guessed it, a website!
Are you with me? I hope you’ve attached yourself to this wonderful knowledge source. Pastors can find so much online. In fact, I rarely ever pick up my Bible when doing Bible study — I go to my favorite Bible Study websites and BibleGateway. Online, there’s also so many corresponding commentaries on passages I’m studying — and in a few minutes I can browse a bunch of them. Incredible.
Recently I jumped on a website that I’ve heard about but never went to. And it’s amazing!
Everyone should have an account on it. It’s Delicious.com
So what are you waiting for — go register. It’s free. And easy. And it’ll make your time on the internet more valuable — and if you’re like me, your memory is not as good as it was a few years ago. Delicious helps you remember websites you wanted to remember.
What are other sites that you rely on as a Pastor? I’d love to hear them!
Digital Marketing can grow your church this year. Remember when we relied on the Yellow Pages for bring people in?
Pastors have a unique, God-given responsibility: faithfully proclaim God’s Word. But with that, it’s helping people see its relevance in
As a pastor or ministry leader, you wear many hats. That’s an understatement, right? Spiritual shepherd, visionary, counselor, and often
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